I = r i = i || function () ,lpTag.init()):window.lpTag.
Out of Production Products - Find Your Upgrade.These are not interchangable / compatible with dng profiles. Capture One and DxO PhotoLab, I believe, use ICC profiles. dng profiles, which are only used in Adobe software. I = r i = i || function () ,lpTag.init()):window.lpTag. Re: ColorChecker Passport Camera Profiles (Software Option/s) So far as I understand, x-Rite only supports.

Improved patch detection (eliminates errors in cases where the luminance of light-colored patches meets or exceeds the luminance of the white patch).Improved color extraction for better profile accuracy Control y creatividad desdela captura hasta la edicinReduzca el tiempo de procesamiento y mejore el.Compatible with Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3.Support for DNG images larger than 40mb.Compatible with Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 6.1.

Updated system requirements (see below).Fixed a bug in the Mac installation package.Fixed a bug with the size of the app icon.Fixed a bug where auto cropping set the crop marks incorrectly for certain images.Added support for macOS 10. Made a change to the Mac setup to allow Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® to 𠊏ind the ColorChecker Passport plugin automatically Made a change to the Mac setup to allow Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® to ind the ColorChecker Passport plugin automatically Fixed a bug where auto cropping set the crop marks incorrectly for certain images Fixed a bug with the size of the app icon New in release 1.1.2.Added the ability to track the age of the ColorChecker after being put in use.Added support of the Digital ColorChecker SG for ICC profiling workflow.Bug Fix of being able to read DNG files with Chines, Japanese, and Korean language names.Added Digital ColorChecker SG support to DNG workflow.Fixed a bug where automatic detection of the crop marks was not working on Windows.It’s hinged like a book, and each page is a precisely crafted color target, as shown below. Inside the 3.5 x 5 inch hard plastic shell are four rigid pages. Fixed a bug where an incorrect error message was displayed in the stand-alone application if the crop marks were not located The X-Rite ColorChecker Passport Photo 2 has a long name and a very short learning curve.Fixed a bug where an incorrect error message was displayed in Lightroom if the ColorChecker image was not detected.The Software will allow you to produce Camera profiles for both the DNG and ICC color management workflows. Software v 1.0.2 includes a bug fix for using Passport software with Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3 when using Export with Preset allowing the dialogue box to appear for naming the profile being created.
You can use this software with ColorChecker Passport, ColorChecker Classic (All sizes) products and the Digital ColorChecker SG. A software update is now available for ColorChecker Passport.

Out of Production Products - Find Your UpgradeĬolorChecker Camera Calibration software ver 2.2.0 is fully compatible with the industry standard ColorChecker 24 patch classic target and the Digital ColorChecker SG target from X-Rite.